04 Kikuyu Road, Sunninghill, Johannesburg, 2157



HDA facilitates human settlement workshop in the Northern Cape


The HDA has entered into a partnership agreement (IP) with the Northern Cape Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (COGHSTA). The partnership with the province is aimed at improving the forward planning and implementation capacity of the province, to ensure better expenditure outcomes and impact of the human settlement delivery programmes.

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State land release gains momentum


The Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform has released an additional number of state-owned properties totalling 318.6374ha. The Agency was requested to facilitate release of these properties by the Mangaung metro, primarily for informal settlement upgrading purposes.

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Land targets exceeded


The HDA is proud to report that it facilitatedthe release of 6113ha of public land in this past financial year – well over the target for the year. In the North West, two state properties of 4269.2815ha were released to the Rustenburg Municipality, and a further two of 1089.4311ha to Madibeng Municipality.

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Solar energy heats up new Joe Slovo homes


More than 2 600 families have received solar-powered geysers as part of government’s programme to create better living conditions for residents of the former Joe Slovo informal settlement in Cape Town.

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Xhariep visits Zanemvula


Representatives from the Free State Province and the Xhariep Municipality Disaster Management Team visited the PE office and Zanemvula project on 26 and 27 November.

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