04 Kikuyu Road, Sunninghill, Johannesburg, 2157


11 Dec 2015

The HDA’s support of projects in Limpopo takes off

During August and September 2015 the HDA, together with other human settlement entities, participated in the Limpopo Women’s Build.

Hundreds of women and youth volunteers from Taueatsoala and Ga-Hlako villages engaged in the construction of housing units for the vulnerable in these communities.

Our support of the Women’s Build is just one side of the HDA’s commitment to the province. Since signing our first medium-term operation plan with the province in 2010 and putting the building blocks in place, we are finally implementing human settlement projects. We are involved in supporting all aspects of the human settlement value chain, from geotechnical reports, township layout and registration, bulk-services installation, procurement of contractors, serviced sites and housing units, to beneficiary management.

Over the Medium-term Expenditure Framework period, the HDA will deliver 2 500 serviced sites and 640 units in Altoostyd; 1 065 serviced sites in Bela-Bela, 950 permanent units for the Disaster Housing Programme; 300 units for the People’s Housing Programme and 375 units for the Military Veterans’ Programme.