UN Habitat holds a World Urban Forum (WUF) every two years, and it has become the premier international human settlement event. This year almost 10 000 delegates attended the 6th WUF, which was held in Naples, Italy.
On 12 September our Cape Town office hosted the Gauteng Standing Committee on Human Settlements.
A workshop on the National Human Settlement Land Indices (NaHSLI) was held on 7 August and was attended by 22 delegates from the Housing Development Agency (HDA), the City of Johannesburg (CoJ) National Treasury and the Department of Human Settlements (NDHS).
The HDA signed an Implementation Protocol (IP) with the Northern Cape government on 22 August 2012, which enables the Agency to provide land assembly and project management support to the province.
Good progress has also been made with the Joe Slovo project at the N2 Gateway, where six families each with elderly members, took possession of their new homes on 16 August. The handover process, and the general recent success of the project, has a lot to do with the HDA’s commitment to meaningful consultation with residents and a broader commitment among stakeholders to overcome political differences.