04 Kikuyu Road, Sunninghill, Johannesburg, 2157


11 Dec 2015

Recent catalytic projects workshop

On 3 September 2015 the National Department of Human Settlement (NDHS) hosted a national contractors’ and developers’ workshop to build partnerships with the private sector to assist in the delivery of catalytic projects.

Speaking at the workshop, Minister Lindiwe Sisulu announced the major role that the HDA would play as a developer. “We have determined that through the HDA, our principal developer, we will be able to significantly cut down on all the concerns that you [developers] have raised with me and the department in the past around the state’s lack of responsiveness to your needs.” Sisulu noted that the budget for the catalytic projects would be ring-fenced and channelled through the HDA. The minister also said, “The Master Spatial Plan developed by the HDA will be used to direct the various other departments whose interventions are necessary for the creation of the most basic human settlements.”

The Minister added that we should use the opportunity to “turn the tide on delivery”.

The workshop was well attended by more than 500 delegates comprising developers, contractors and sector representatives from across the country, many of whom signed a social contract in October 2014. The contract outlined the department’s programmes, institutional alignment, initiatives and policies that government has put in place to cater for developers and SMMEs.