04 Kikuyu Road, Sunninghill, Johannesburg, 2157


08 Jun 2015

HDA supports the mining towns

The HDA is programme-managing the mining town intervention for the national Department of Human Settlements (NDHS), and a business plan in that regard has been approved by our Board.

The NDHS is focusing on 23 mining towns in six provinces. More than 5 500 units have been delivered, mainly in Mpumalanga and North West, which are the main pressure points.

In the Marikana area, there are two human settlements projects being completed that will deliver over 500 units (Community Residential Units (CRU) = 252 units and Breaking New Ground (BNG) = 292 units project). Lonmin donated the land used for these projects.

There are a number of partnerships currently being negotiated for human settlements projects, including those held with traditional authorities, mining companies and unions.

Research and property market analysis has been conducted on the 23 mining towns. It is being used to inform the type of housing projects to be developed in mining towns.