04 Kikuyu Road, Sunninghill, Johannesburg, 2157


22 Jan 2015

The HDA supports Northern Cape to gear up for 2015/16 project implementation

In late 2013, the HDA opened an office in the Northern Cape to support the province.

As part of its support on programming, planning and coordination of the human settlements projects pipeline in the Northern Cape, the HDA team and CoGHSTA officials undertook regional visits from 3 to 6 November 2014.

The visits were aimed at promoting efficiency in planning and budgeting, ensuring a better allocation of resources across regions, and finalising the project list for the Human Settlement Development Grant (HSDG) Business Plan in accordance with the status of implementation readiness of the projects.

The visits provided CoGHSTA regional offices and municipalities with the opportunity to engage on the proposed project list, confirming projects that will be rolled over from the 2014/15 business plan and indicating which projects are ready for implementation in the 2015/16 financial year.

National and provincial strategic priorities were taken into consideration by ensuring that projects for military veterans, mining towns, informal settlements upgrading, catalytic projects, etc. are given high priority.