04 Kikuyu Road, Sunninghill, Johannesburg, 2157


13 Feb 2014

PHDA policy and HDA regulations on PHDA get thumbs-up

placeholder.jpg The HDA achieved a significant milestone following an extended consultation process with the South African Local Government Association (SALGA).

The HDA was mandated to develop the PHDA policy and HDA regulations on PHDA, which will oversee the declaration and implementation of priority housing development areas (PHDAs).

Having drawn up the draft set of regulations and policy, the engagement process with stakeholders was the last hurdle of the process and was mainly aimed at ensuring that SALGA’s areas of concern were addressed. This necessitated a series of workshops and working sessions with SALGA and attendance of the SALGA Provincial Working Group throughout the country to solicit the input of the 278 municipalities.

On 9 December 2013, SALGA officially submitted a report in full support of these regulations and policy as drafted by the HDA. SALGA praised the HDA for giving it the opportunity to provide input into the development of the draft regulations, and for the constructive manner in which the HDA worked with SALGA to address its concerns.

Through the consultation process, a number of key steps and conditions were inserted into the regulations, which must include aspects such as:

  • The five-year Integrated Development Plan of the municipality as a starting point
  • A council-approved implementation protocol
  • A submission and approval of a proposal for a preliminary declaration of a PHDA
  • Community consultation
  • Finalisation of the PHDA plan
  • Submission of the final PHDA plan to the minister for approval

Furthermore, a different approach was taken towards implementation protocols, budget commitments, specific roles and responsibilities, as well as the impact of the assignment.
Now we wait for approval of the regulations and policy by the portfolio committee in February 2014, after which they will be submitted to the National Minister of Human Settlements for approval and promulgation.